Bodybuilder dirty gay sex stories

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He told Levi in a calm caring voice that he should not worry about this anymore, he will help him think from now on. The man told Levi that he is just too dumb and can’t think normally anymore and that is ok. Levi desperately looked at the older overweight professor for the answers.

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Finally one day the professor told Levi what his problem is.

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But even that was not enough he was just too dumb now. The nice man would allow Levi to stop by his office for some extra help. But luckily one of his professors was willing to help him. He just could not think about them it was too hard now and was getting harder. Levi even started to fail every class he was taking. There were only so many times she stayed around waiting for Levi before she moved on to someone else. He also could not think about his long-time fuck buddy, he would forget to meet up with her in her apartment. He could not remember anything when playing, his workouts were the same but remembered to show up on time, and any plays were gone. Like thinking about how to play football was gone. Thinking had been slowly getting harder and harder for Levi. But thinking right now was hard for Levi.

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Levi could not remember a time where he was not on his back pants off and his tank top pulled up in just his underwear while his older fat professor was standing above him with his camera on the hot young stud.

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